The Viceregal Lion
  1. The Governor General of Canada
Heraldry Today

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409 Tactical Fighter Squadron

Cold Lake, Alberta
Approval of a Standard
April 20, 2023
Vol. VIII, p. 165

Flag of the 409 Tactical Fighter Squadron

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The Standard for a Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force charged with the Badge of the 409 Tactical Fighter Squadron (Argent a cloak Sable its cord and lining Azure surmounted by a crossbow Or, all within the Badge Frame for Flying Squadrons, its scroll inscribed MEDIA NOX MERIDIES NOSTER), flanked by scrolls Argent inscribed in letters Sable, those to the dexter with DEFENCE OF BRITAIN, 1941-1944 / DÉFENSE DE L’ANGLETERRE, 1941-1944; FRANCE AND GERMANY, 1944-1945 / FRANCE ET ALLEMAGNE, 1944-1945; those to the sinister with FORTRESS EUROPE, 1942-1944 / FORTERESSE DE L’EUROPE, 1942-1944; NORMANDY, 1944 / NORMANDIE, 1944; and that in base with RHINE / RHIN;



This flag is based on the pattern for standards for squadrons of the Royal Canadian Air Force, with the unit’s primary badge surrounded by the battle honours awarded to the unit.