The Viceregal Lion
  1. The Governor General of Canada
Heraldry Today

The contents of this Register are intended for research purposes only. The heraldic emblems found in the Register may not be reproduced in any form or in any media without the written consent of the Canadian Heraldic Authority and/or the recipient.

John Joseph Merks

Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Grant of Arms, Flag and Badge, with differences to John Hildebrand Merks, William Leonard Merks, Andre Daniel Merks and Diane Maria Merks
July 14, 1994
Vol. II, p. 304

Differenced Arms for Andre Daniel Merks, son of John Joseph Merks

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Differenced Arms for Andre Daniel Merks, son of John Joseph Merks

The Arms of John Joseph Merks debruised by a mullet Vert;


In general, the symbolism of emblems prior to 2000 does not exist in an appropriate format for the online Register.