- The Governor General of Canada

The contents of this Register are intended for research purposes only. The heraldic emblems found in the Register may not be reproduced in any form or in any media without the written consent of the Canadian Heraldic Authority and/or the recipient.
William David Neelands
Toronto, Ontario
Grant of Arms and Badge
October 11, 2000
Vol. IV, p. 54
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On a cross patté Vair a pinecone erect Or;
The vair refers to the pattern alternating blue and white sections found in arms associated with the Bosworth family, and thus makes a reference to Mrs. Neelands (née Mary Bosworth). This type of cross is often associated with Anglicanism, and thus marks their involvement with the church and Dr. Neelands’s status as a priest. The pinecone repeats the symbolism of the crest.